About Us
A Little Bit About Us
A Little Bit About Us
Our Purpose
The annual Continuing Challenge Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Workshop began in 1990 for the purpose of providing training, networking, and hands-on learning opportunities for all employees in hazardous materials emergency response-related fields of employment. Each year in September, we bring together prominent and skilled presenters who volunteer to provide our students with the most recent information available to enhance or grow skills critical to ensure a safe and effective response. Featured are exciting classroom courses, hands-on sessions, and contests to test new skills.
What We Do
Advancements in hazardous material emergency response are dynamic and attendance at this popular annual workshop is critical to promote the health and safety of responders, the public, and the environment. The workshop is designed to provide the student with the latest information while maintaining the basics for individuals that are new to the HazMat field. The Continuing Challenge features courses that are designed to encourage interaction among all participants and includes topics that complement one another. Participants are provided an opportunity to work with the experts in a forum that relates problems and experiences; where achieving solutions to challenges in individual communities throughout the United States is possible.
Sponsoring Agencies/Companies
The Continuing Challenge has sponsor participants from numerous local, state, and federal agencies, as well as private companies. Each of the sponsoring organizations plays a critical role in the success of the annual workshop by providing key representatives to serve on the Continuing Challenge Committee and/or monetary or in-kind support. Go to our “Committee Members Show Room” tab to view a list of the organizations and people that contribute year-round to the Continuing Challenge.
Why you should create a Member Profile?
It’s easy and quick and will help you stay up-to-date about the Continuing Challenge. You will need a member profile to submit forms online at this site. NOTE: We never sell, give away, or distribute our mailing list in any form.
Please contact us, if you or your organization is interested in providing sponsorship support.